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Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church

Apr 24, 2022

Text: Mark 4:26-32

Description: As we observe Earth Day, we are reminded of God’s good creation.  We are also reminded of how human sin has led to climate disaster.  We cannot be complacent.  We are people with hope that comes from Christ who is making all creation new.

Apr 17, 2022

Text: John 18-19

Description: Even on the cross, Jesus never stopped loving us.  Even in the midst of the brokenness of this world, Jesus is with us.

Apr 17, 2022

Text:  Luke 24:1-12

Description:  Why would anyone want you to crash a funeral? Listen to find out why we’re all called to deliver Jesus’ mike-drop message of hope.


Link to the This American Life podcast episode Pastor mentions in her sermon:

Apr 15, 2022

Text: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

Description:  Jesus act of washing his disciples feet was an act of service and unconditional love but it was also unconventional broke the norms.  We are called to love each other the same way.

Apr 10, 2022

Text:  Luke 22:14--23:56

Description:  This narrative of the Passion of Our Lord is read by our congregation in different it a different voice and perspective.