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Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church

Feb 28, 2021

Texts: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 and Mark 8:31-38

Description: In the covenant of Holy Baptism, God chooses us. God wants to have a particular relationship with us, to call us God’s own children. So what do we have to do to hold up our end of the covenant?

Feb 26, 2021

Join us as we start a five week series during Lent on the Ten Commandments.  This week:  Commandments One and Two

The First Commandment:You shall have no other gods.

What does this mean? We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

The Second Commandment: You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your...

Feb 21, 2021

Gospel: Mark 1:9-15

Description:  The Spirit is always urging us to throw our backpack over the fence and into the wilderness.  Because, if we throw it over, we've got to go get it.  There's no need to fear, we've got the same assurances that Jesus did as we venture out.

Feb 18, 2021

Text: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

Description: This Ash Wednesday, we do not need to be reminded of our mortality.  We have been reminded every day for the last year during the pandemic that has claimed over 2 million lives worldwide.  Today, we are reminded that we are dust and to dust we shall return.  We are beloved dust,...

Feb 14, 2021

Text: Mark 1:40-45

Description: Over the past four weeks we’ve talked a lot about who God is and God’s relationship to us. But so what? Why should anyone care about God if we can get along fine without a life of faith? For this last week in our sermon series, Pastor Beth Ann talks about what’s in it for us and the...