Oct 31, 2021
Text: Mark 12:28-34
Description: Phyllis Tickle said that every 500 years of our 2000 year Christian history, the church changes significantly. Just like having a rummage sale, it’s about getting rid of some things to make space for the new. As we commemorate the beginning of the Protestant Reformation 504...
Oct 24, 2021
Text: Mark 10:46-52
Description: It’s a “choose your own adventure” sermon this week! How does God speak to you through the story of Bartimaeus?
Oct 18, 2021
Text: Mark 10:35-45
Description: If we want to follow Jesus, we can’t look away from injustice. What does it mean to DO justice today? (also see Micah 6:1-8)
Oct 10, 2021
Text: Matthew 9: 35-38
Description: God calls us to be be laborers in the harvest. It may seem daunting but it isn't if we're bold enough to dare to share.
Oct 4, 2021
Text: Luke 6:32-38
Description: Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit but we still need to do our part to cultivate it and help it grow. Giving opens us open to new possibilities in participating in God's mission in the world and strengthens our faith.