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Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church

Sep 27, 2021

Text: Matthew 25:31-46
Description: An Amish man was asked, “Are you a Christian?” The man was quiet for a minute, then he answered, “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask my neighbor.” Serving others brings us closer to the heart of Jesus, who loved without limits. 

Sep 25, 2021

Text: John 1:1-5,14,16-18

Description: God is already in relationship with us.  In order to learn more and grow in God’s love, we need to give some of our most precious commodity- time.  Pastor Krista gives a few ideas on how we can use that time for growth in faith.

Sep 13, 2021

Text:  Mark 14:22-26

Description: If watching worship is like watching a football game, is coming to worship like playing a football game? Find out what are the two best times to worship God in this week’s sermon message!

Sep 6, 2021

Text:  Mark 7:24-27
Description: In today's Gospel reading Jesus tries to get away from it all and meets someone who opens his eyes a little wider.