Oct 24, 2022
Luke 2:13-14
Listen as Pastor Sheila Rawn reads from “Practicing Our Faith” and our Adult Choir and Bell Choir performs “How Can I Keep from Singing” as part of our Music Sunday celebration. Our Minister of Music is Dimitri Shapovalov. Our Bell Choir Director is Greg Schroeder.
Oct 17, 2022
Luke 18:1-8
Jesus tells the disciples, “pray always and don’t lose heart”. Does God’s justice depend on our persistent prayers for it? If so, we may be in trouble!
Oct 3, 2022
Luke 17:1-10
Jesus’ disciples asked him to “Increase our faith!” How would you be different with more faith than you have right now? And how do we get more faith?
Click here to view a YouTube clip of Mary Martin as Peter Pan in the scene Pastor Beth Ann mentions in her sermon.